Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oprah ranks Travel Agents as #2 for Happiest Jobs in America

Oprah has spoken. Travel agents rank in the top 4 for happiest jobs in America - you can watch the episode here.

Really? People like this job?
I do travel quite a bit and went on vacation last week with the fam but this meant working until 10:30 p.m., driving 2 hours to Billings, getting 4 hours of sleep and hitting the airport by 6:00 a.m. During the week, I did my best to forget about all the things I forgot. Upon returning, I've received requests for 10 intense custom itineraries and have to find a new destination to replace a Japan trip for departure April 15.
I can't find my desk beneath the mountain of little pieces of paper looking up at me wondering where their home is, the 15 files partially opened waiting for me to finalize, the stapled together to do list longer than Santa's scroll and when I think of all the things I could ask my assistant to do for me, I remember I don't have one.
Alright alright, enough complaining. Despite ALL of the above, there is a strange sick part of me that loves it. If I weren't constantly stressed, I would be bored and if I am not traveling or planning my own trip, the next best thing is doing so for others. My clients are patient, appreciative and truly fun to work with. Honestly, I couldn't name a single other job someone else does that I would want more. I must be insane.

1 comment:

Julie and Mike Wood said...

Love it! Great way to describe your job! Makes me think, I need a vacation!